Events Calendar
Chamber Christmas Party
Thursday 13 December 2018, 05:30pm
Hits : 1147
Bring your spouse, your partner, or your employees...our December Chamber dinner and annual Christmas party will be held Thursday, December 13 at the Bayside Resort. A special invitation is extended to those businesses who do not traditionally host a staff Christmas party - why not join us for a fun evening of entertainment and Christmas cheer?
Bring a bottle of commercial wine, trade it for a ticket and you could win the Wall of Wine! Networking starts at 5:30 pm, dinner at 7:00 pm. $35 per person. RSVP 250-248-3613 or
Bring a bottle of commercial wine, trade it for a ticket and you could win the Wall of Wine! Networking starts at 5:30 pm, dinner at 7:00 pm. $35 per person. RSVP 250-248-3613 or
Location 240 Dogwood Street, Parksville