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The Annual General Meeting of the Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce will be held on Thursday, April 17 at Morningstar Golf Club at 7:30 a.m. Price is $40 pp. Please RSVP to 250-248-3613.

Call for Directors!
The Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit Organization established in March 1978 under the Federal Board of Trade Act is seeking individuals interested in serving on the Board of Directors. Qualified candidates are encouraged to apply by submitting a nomination to on, or before March 27. A Nominations Committee will review all nominations and recommend a slate of candidates to the 2025 Annual General Meeting.



Heros Villans thank you 01

Heroes, Heroines & Villains were among the guests all decked out for a special night out at the Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce's signature event, the 39th annual Gala dinner and auction. Guests participated in a very successful live auction, silent auction and games of chance, capping off the evening with dancing to tunes "spun" by Rockin Donny T. Successful bidders left smiling with some amazing gifts generously donated by our local businesses. It was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends or make some new ones. 

The Gala is the Chamber's premier fundraising event and funds from the Gala help the Chamber deliver programs into the community like the Canada Day celebrations, the Business Excellence Awards, secondary school scholarships and the Summer by the Sea Street Market, as well as year-round operation of the Parksville Visitor Centre.

We would like to thank all of our sponsors for their contributions to our event. The evening was successful again this year, thanks to the generosity of our donors and guests. Please consider these fine businesses when you are shopping for a product or service:



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