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Events Calendar

Canada Day Celebration
Saturday 01 July 2023, 10:00am - 10:00pm
Hits : 1148

The Parksville & District Chamber of Commerce has served the business community, residents and visitors in the Parksville region for nearly 50 years. We host a number of events annually and the one closest to our hearts is Canada Day.  The day traditionally hosts over 20,000 spectators and is a full day of fun for everyone with entertainment, games and food, kicked off by the Shriner's Pancake Breakfast and the 100 plus-entry Canada Day parade and ending with a spectacular fireworks display. 

With support from the City of Parksville and business sponsors, we are able to put on a first-class event that marks the beginning of the summer season. We are asking Chamber of Commerce members and supporters, to join other corporate sponsors by contributing financially to the event and showing your support to the thousands of attendees. Canada Day Sponsorship opportunities are linked below for you to review and determine where your support will provide you with the most benefit.  With you by our side on Canada Day, we're sure to put on a first-class event for the visitors and residents of Parksville.  

Call Suzie on 250-248-3613 to become a sponsor. Click on the link for Sponsorship opportunities: Go to: canada day

Canada Day Food Truck Application
Canada Day Vendor Application
Canada Day Parade Entry Registration


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